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We’re Getting a Head Start on all the 2024 State Fair Fun!

photo by @tetsuro76 
Exciting Things Happening!

We know we have lots of New Mexico State Fair fans who are eagerly anticipating our 2024 event. We also know a lot of you like to plan ahead, so this year we’ve made tickets for both rodeo/concerts and admission to the New Mexico State Fair available for purchase sooner than ever before. (In case you hadn’t heard, they’re on sale NOW!) But we’re only just getting started, with lots more fantastic state fair updates and opportunities to come.

You may be wondering what the average New Mexico State Fair enthusiast can expect as we round out the Spring months and ease our way into Summer. One of the big things you can expect is new and exciting deals and discounts. We’ve already hosted a fab flash sale on our website, and we think you will want to remain on the lookout for more.

Bigger, Better & Sooner than Ever Promos

We know you’ve come to expect an affordable state fair, and this year we’re introducing some great new options for people to purchase advance tickets at a lower price. Earlier this month we shared a fun, limited time only Cinco de Mayo sale. While we’ve offered advanced discounts before, we’ve never done it this early and fair fans jumped at the opportunity to purchase tickets on 5-5 for only $5.

Did you get your tickets? If not, never fear, there will be more opportunities in the months to come.

Insider Tip: These discounts, once announced, are available for a limited time, so we highly recommend you stay alert so as not to miss your chance!

The Traditional

We are excited to be able to once again offer special free days to honor public servants, law enforcement, first responders, and veterans, to name a few. In honor of the recent national “Teacher Week” recognition, we’ve already announced “Teacher Days” on September 7, with more announcements to come in the near future. Additionally, as you’ve come to expect, we plan to set special discounted days on certain dates for the general public, as well as making sure kids and seniors can always attend at a reduced rate.

Insider Tip: Don’t be surprised if you catch wind of all this and more as we start to roll out the deals and discounts. Unlike in past years, keep an eye out now as we intend to share all that you need to know in the coming months, much sooner than in years’ past.

The Unexpected

When it comes to deals and discounts, we intend to make the process fun! That means themed promotions, pop up sales, and new and interesting opportunities to get in on the action.

So what you can do to stay in the know?

We know you’re starting to feel the FOMO, so we want to assure you that there are things you can do now to make certain you don’t miss a single promotion. It’s as simple as liking and following us on social media.

You’ll want to track all our accounts, so set your notifications accordingly. Equally as important, you can opt in for our email notices where we will share all the breaking news. These offers have already started to roll out so sign up now!
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